Housing Affordability in Australia

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Housing Affordability in Australia has become the focus point for urban planners in recent years. In particular, South East Queensland (SEQ) has experienced significant pressure as the demand for property and affordable dwellings increases and population growth in the region continues. The issue has come to the forefront in discussions for local governments in the region and there is a real need to address the problem of housing affordability. The subject of affordability is complex and is contributed to by a number of factors including the impost created by Council processes, which is the scope of the HAF-T5 Project.

The need to reduce these imposts is a key driver for continued improvement in Council processes to streamline the approval of housing related development applications. There is a direct correlation between the cost of housing and the time it takes for Council approval to be obtained for a development. It is the intention of this project to isolate the unnecessary costs and, where possible, remove them from the assessment process.

Purpose of the Document

The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the Council File Survey activity and inform the HAF-T5 project for the respective council involved in the HAF-T5 project.

This File Survey Report (FiSuR) is broken into four (4) key parts:

Part 1 – Key Council Statistics

• Quantitative Observations – including the key statistical data obtained during the council file survey.

Part 2 – Council Observations

• Qualitative Observations – including the key information observed from staff interviews and information found on file during the Council File Survey.

Part 3 – Detailed Analysis (To Follow)

• Comparative Analysis between Council and the ...

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...am has also measured the statistics against any available data provided by the Council. This included the assurance that the sample was representative of the number of applications assessed by Council (total and per type).

Peer review within the HAF project team members was undertaken to ensure that the highest quality of data is provided. The survey team also met with representatives from each Council during, or at the completion of, the File Survey to discuss the primary interpretation of the trends and findings.

The initial presentation of Parts 1 and 2 of this FiSuR to Council representatives is also part of the quality control process. The intention is to optimise the value added by survey activity from both a local and regional perspective. Once feedback from Council has been gained, recommendations and a thorough analysis of the findings will be provided.

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