Developing Policies for Control of Private Vehicles

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1. Introduction At this time many countries are facing environmental problems due to the use of private vehicles that are not controlled as air and noise pollution, traffic congestion, and other environmental impacts. There are many such issues in some developing countries that are growing rapidly in the industry sector and the economy. This requires a strategy and policy in dealing with issues such as the implementation of the congestion pricing, restriction of vehicles at a specified time, improvement public transportation services, infrastructure development for the use of non-motorized so as to increase use of bicycles and walking distance to travel, etc. The level of use of private vehicles usually follows the level of vehicle ownership. Along with the increase in private vehicle ownership rate, the use of private vehicles is expected to continue to increased primarily as it occurs in the developing regions such as in Indonesia, particularly in big cities such as Jakarta and Bandung. An increasing number of these vehicles are not balanced with the amount of road capacity (supply) in order to accommodate the number of vehicles (demand) is used on the road. Increased use of private vehicles that are not balanced by the number of existing road capacity causing congestion problems in almost all major cities in Indonesia. Growth in the use of private vehicles are fast and uncontrolled provide tangible and significant consequences to the city and the people who live in it. The impact of a decrease in environmental impacts such as air quality and global climate change. Various efforts in dealing with this issue have conducted one with Transport Demand Management, which aims to maximize the efficiency of the urban transport syste... ... middle of paper ... ...agai pihak baik dari masyarakat dan polik lokal. Keberhasilan penerapan ERP terhadap kinerja lalu intas ini dapat terwujud apabila dilakasanakan dengan perencanaan yang matang dan didukung dengan membangun system transportasi angkutan umum yang baik dan infrastruktur transportasi yang terintegrasi dengan baik sehingga mudah dijangkau dan dengan harga yang murah sehingga masyrakat mempunyai pilihan dalam melakukan perjalanan. Melihat kondisi yang ada di Kota Jakarta saat ini, penerapan ERP pada jangka waktu dekat belum bisa diterapkan. Hal ini dikarenakan ketidaksiapan system transportasi angkutan umum yang belum baik, infrastruktur yang belum menunjang kelancaran penerapan ERP maupun kebijakan yang mengatur serta mengawasi pelaksanaan penerapan ERP. Tetapi untuk selanjutnya apabila semua system tersebut sudah bisa dbuat dengan baik maka penerapan ERP dapat berhasil

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