Developing My Leadership Skills

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Ethics Lens Inventory Assessment
My individual preferred Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI) is “Relationship and Reputation Lens which is “Balance reasoning skills (rationality) and intuition (sensibility) to determine what processes, systems, character traits and virtues will best serve the community by assuring fairness and justice for all (equality).” (Ethical Lens report
Ethics Lens Inventory Assessment Results
As indicated by ELI my Core Values are Equality and Rationality/Sensibility. The well being of everyone is of significant importance. Justice and Fortitude are my Classic Values. I believe in loyalty and being consistent in my dealings with others in particular people who are less fortunate. My Key Phrase “I make fair and virtuous choices.” I use Authority and Traditional tools for analyzing problems. Meaning I am able to weight all options before making final decisions. My gift is Justice and Compassion is the ability to empathize with people in need but to deal justly with everyone in a given situation. According to ELI overconfidence in process or unrealistic role expectations is my Blind Spot. I do not agree with this statement as I see myself as not believing in the system. I risk being authoritarian or self-righteous is one of my weaknesses. I do not believe in exemption or entitlement therefore this is not a good depiction of my Temptation. The Vice of becoming an ambitious elitist or hard-hearted is a weakness that I need to pay close attention to. Isolation, guilt and confusion is my crisis as I deal with this daily and as a result, I am trying to see how others think as an individual as oppose to communally.
Ethical orientation or approach
ELI depicts my ethical orientation as “Being fair an...

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...leadership. This weakness must be developed into strengths to avoid foolish confrontations which threaten my leadership abilities.

Works Cited

Scofield, C. I., Dr. (1996). The Holy Bible: The old Scofield’s classic study system.
Oxford University Press. New York, NY.
Ethics Lens Inventory Report. Retrieved on March 18, 2013.
Johnson, C, E., (2012). Organizational ethics: A practical approach. 2, ed. Sage Publications Inc. Thousand Oaks, California
Narayan, K., (1989). Saints and Scoundrels: Folk Narrative in Hindu Religious
Teaching. Adapted from Benjamin Franklin Spoons to eat the stew (pp.192-200).
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 192-200 Retrieved from Walker, P. L., Cooper, D. C., Walker, M., Scott, T., (2000). Learning the practice of ministry.
Pathway Press. Cleveland TN.

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