Nursing Self Reflection

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Developing confidence, and competence is a challenge faced by novice nurses (Morrell & Ridgway, 2014). Over the course of my nursing degree developing, and maintaining confidence in my clinical practice has always been a personal challenge. During my preceptorship placement, I have the opportunity to continue to cultivate my confidence, and prepare to begin my practice as an independent graduate nurse. In the reflection, I will discuss how I have gradually become a confident practitioner through my experiences in my clinical placement, and especially those in my preceptorship placement. Personal Reflection Clinical confidence, and independence are two components of nursing practice such that cannot be perfected through classroom education, self-study or by reading the evidence based literature. Throughout my nursing education, I have struggled with as many of clinical instructors have put it “being too hard on myself”. Morrell & Ridgway (2014) highlight how students’ perception of a lack of knowledge often contributes to ongoing anxiety. My tendency of being highly critical of my abilities, and having a consistent sense of anxiety associated with practicing independently has been an ongoing challenge for me. Reflecting upon how I have coped with the challenges of developing, and maintaining clinical confidence is …show more content…

Also, continually seek feedback from my preceptor has been crucial. Learning from my previous experiences, I have realized that a balance of ongoing constructive, and appreciative feedback has a very positive impact on both my learning, and confidence level. Therefore, during my first meeting with my preceptor, I discussed how important her feedback is to me, which has ensured that throughout my preceptorship I have received detailed, and timely

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