Case Study Of Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant

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The developing concerns and root causes of Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant in Milestone One and Two were identified and analyzed from a human behavior perspective. However, it is just as equally imperative to recommend solutions to issues identified. The major issues that Engstrom faced stemmed from the failure of the Scanlon Bonus Plan. As a result, employee motivation, management and employee trust, employee attitude and the overall work culture were all tainted. The objective of this milestone is to create organizational development outcomes that are immediate solutions to the organizational issues. Also, suggest strategic plans that will lead the organization to success. This will be successful through evidence-based management and theoretical …show more content…

Firstly, there was compelling emphasis placed on exterior factors, for instance, Scanlon Bonus Plan, a motivator plan that inspires and drives employees’ performance, yet neglected to cultivate workers ' needs. If the Plant business integrates the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs into their strategic management process, it will guide them in evaluating employees’ needs. Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant should settle on the choice of keeping the current system in place, modify it, or design a new incentive plan. Keeping the ongoing incentive plan would be an awful decision for different reasons that were examined in preceding milestones; subsequently, the undeniable decisions would be to either correct the present plan or to make an altogether new one. For this proposition, it is ideal that a new incentive system be …show more content…

Employees protested, “that supervisors should have received a reduced bonus because they were not working as hard as they are and the company might be playing with the numbers” (Beer & Collins, 2008 p.6). A beneficial system for the new Scanlon Plan is to rearranged payout count. This will help to regain trust amongst employees and management. Equity Theory stresses integrity to all compensation arrangement and if this is effectively executed, then this will resolve the mistrust issue that employees have with their management team. The rewards should not be paid on a consistent month-to-month basis, instead, on a settled proportion plan, which gives rewards "each nth time the right behavior is demonstrated" (Bauer and Erdogan, 2013, p. 112). Traditionally, this would imply that workers are paid reward each time a specific measure of cash in permitted payroll is met. “The current permitted payroll is at 38% of sales value” (Engstrom, 2008). This requires no change. Instead, when Engstrom comes to a permitted payroll of one million dollars, then 10% of that sum should naturally disbursed to workers as rewards. This tackles numerous past issues with the Scanlon

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