Human Freedom: Determinism And The Limits Of Freedom

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Determinism and the Limits of Freedom
In Philosophy there are many questions that individuals have asked and one of the most important questions is “are we truly free?”. Many individuals have their opinions on free will; some may argue that we are free inhabitants of this world and that the world is our playground and we may do as we wish, and some believe that we have to abide by this world and its rules which discourages many from doing as they wish, therefore in essence, we are not truly free. One of the most influential philosophers, Baron d’Holbach, had two beliefs regarding limitations of human freedom, d’Holbach called them internal and external constraints. Internal constraints are constraints that hinder our ability to do as we wish …show more content…

In relation to internal and external constraints, there is a theory called determinism which, according to John Chaffee is “The view that every event, including human actions is brought about by previous events in accordance with universal causal laws that govern the world. Human freedom is an illusion” (P. 159). Digging deeper into determinism, we find hard determinism, which is a belief that there is absolutely no free will without a trace of doubt and everything that happens is in accordance with a cause. On the surface it may seem that hard determinism and internal/external constraints have no difference and that both beliefs are exactly the same, however, there is one obscure difference that some individuals may miss and to put it in a hypothetical situation, an individual is walking in an alley and a mugger comes and robs the individual at gunpoint, the individual is still free even with this external force present, however, the individual’s options are limited to either fighting back or being in compliance with the criminal’s demands, however, with a hard deterministic belief the individual would have had no options and would have had to do what the criminal had asked of them, ultimately leaving the individual with

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