The Design of Structure in an Organization

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Introduction There are many challenges for today’s organizations, such as globalization, intense competition, rigorous ethical scrutiny, the need for rapid response, the digital work place and the increasing diversity (Daft, 2010). Indeed, management and leadership are important factors which may influence success of an organization. In order to analyze how these factors may influence an organization; this essay will introduce a change event in small organization- a university broadcast station. This university broadcast station was established in 1994. After few years of the establishment, the broadcast station realized that some changes should be made to meet the need of the teachers and students in the university. Indeed, changes had taken place in five main aspects in the broadcast station. The five aspects of change are the leader of the broadcast station, the setting of the program, the timetable of the programs, the regular meeting system, and the recruiting system. By analyzing the change event in this organization, my two arguments are: the design of structure is of great importance for an organization and effective team leadership may contribute to better team effectiveness. In order to illustrate these two arguments, this essay will discuss that suitable structures may facilitate information flow in an organization and suitable organization structure may facilitate innovation in an organization. Moreover, effective team leadership may contribute to effective team performance, because it may integrate three main processes in a team: information, affective, and coordination processes. The design of structure is of great importance for an organization ‘‘organizations are social entities that are goal-dir... ... middle of paper ... ...nal structure and matrix structure (Daft, 2010). In this essay two main kinds of types would be discussed-functional grouping and divisional grouping. Functional organizational structure is a kind of structure which consists of activities like coordination, supervision or task allocation. The characteristic of this kind of organization is that people in it is specialized by functional areas (Duncan, 1980). The main strengths for this structure are that it enables in-depth knowledge and skill development and also enables the organization to accomplish functional goals. Many weaknesses are also involved in this structure. Firstly, it might be slow to response to the environmental changes. Secondly, the horizontal communication and coordination might be limited among different departments. Thirdly, this kind of structure might be less innovative (Daft, 2010).

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