Creative Writing: A Journey To A New Land

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I look up, the sunlight peaking through the far-flung branches of the sparse old trees. The air is crisp and clean, the scent of spring floating on a soft breeze. A chill dances across the skin of my bare arms, sharpening the excitement evoked by the relative solitude. My bare feet step onto the cold, damp soil exposed by the worn path made by the frequent tread of small children. Usually when I make this journey through the trees, I am chased by the loud and excited voices of younger children. My siblings, who would bound ahead of me through the dead leaves of former years, the noise made much larger than their miniscule bodies. Often I would watch them run ahead of me, wondering that I had ever been so small. Other days I would race them …show more content…

It grows steeper with each stride, challenging my thin child legs to prove the presence of lean muscle underneath. Boulders are strewn haphazardly across the slope, posing challenges long since conquered. Long ago I asked my mother where they came from and how they got here. She told me they were dropped here when the big glaciers that carved out the mountains melted. Now they seem tame and familiar, dangerous only to those who don’t know every crevice and slick moss covered dip. I climb past the largest, easy to climb despite it’s size. Today I am looking to discover new land. Something impressive to achieve before my siblings follow me like abandoned puppies, longing to prove their …show more content…

Sharp and sweet, the high, clear tone carries further than the twisted scream of my name ever could.
It breaks the spell, and when I jump to the ground, there are no wings to soften my descent. Again, I am stuck in the scrawny body of a nine year old. My hair has returned to it’s natural state; straight, thin, and brown. Jeans and a T-shirt protect me from the elements once more.
“Coo!” I call back. The sound is higher pitched, warbling a little. A trace of magic has stuck in my throat.
Forgetting the dignity of my measured climb, I scramble down the incline, dislodging stones and leaves along the way. Tree roots bubble out of the familiar dirt path in an attempt to slow my mad dash, which I leap over each obstacle with haphazard assurity. My stomach rumbles as I burst through the trees and out onto the lawn. A swing set made of wood and metal bars calls for me to stop and play, but a delicious smell emanating from the kitchen window calls my sudden hunger to the forefront. Mom waits at the door, my four-year-old sister clutching at her legs.
“Were you having fun in the woods?” She asks, curly hair bouncing in its ponytail.
My sister glowers at me from behind mom’s leg, grey eyes

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