Essay On Family Therapy

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Description & Overview A Family therapy is a multilayered system that is recognized as a systemic therapy that utilizes therapeutically psychotherapy approach, to help clients coping with their problem within the family system. Family therapy allows close family members who are in close relationship to address their issues, including addressing issues with their significant others (Carr, 2009). The goal of therapy is to provide therapeutic need that will work on fixing dysfunctional behavior within the situation of the family. The process of behavior changes and focuses on the interaction of individual members in relation to the problem, leading to various techniques and intervention strategies occurrence of nurturing changes (Counsellor, Therefore, family therapist encourages family members to empathize with one another by sharing a mutual understanding relationship and assisting each other reasonably in practical manners. The family therapist employs models in which offering the opportunity for family member to bond and interconnected with each other through understanding, empathetic and logical association (Skorunka, 2009). Although the models provide opportunities for therapist to work with a client with dysfunctional behavior, it facilitates improvement in family functioning, specifically during a transitory period of development (Carr, 2009). The similarities of these models, principal beliefs are constructed on family unity and cooperation of individual family members with problem- solving skill development as a core structure for the outcome of changes of family relationship, within the family therapy system (Corey, These personal characteristics relay ad convey respect, compassion, empathy, and sensitivities to each family member to draw out and elicit the maximum approach as an effective technique for an actual therapy (Corey, 2017). The necessity of high qualities therapists is in demand for clinical practices, since these therapists contain the essential skills to be adaptable and adjustable to the family member’s persona in choosing the right technical approaches. As a result, the strengths of the family therapy incorporate systemic approaches by merging many principle guidelines to assist therapeutic relation by helping organize goals, interactions, observations, and formulating ways to modify dysfunctional behaviors or improving behaviors (Corey, 2017). On the other hand, the limitation of family therapy is within the framework of the systematic approach, which focuses on the family members rather than focusing on as well on the therapist’s attention of individual members within the family (Counsellor, 2016). Many therapists have realized this limitation, and thus actively implicating and focusing more on the individual person therapy into the family therapy system, rather to avert losing sight of each person in the wider range of the family therapeutic

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