Teen Depression: The Negative Effects Of Teenage Depression

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Being a teenager is not as easy as you think, as you grow older life becomes more complicated and frustrating. Sometimes, you get lost. You don’t know what do, you don’t know who to trust anymore and unsure of the path you wish to embark upon. You find it hard to enjoy the things you once found pleasure in. As time passes by the feeling doesn’t stop and then there will come a point that you’ll discover something terrifying. You’re depressed. The world doesn’t seem as beautiful anymore. You don’t want anybody else to help you. You have become an introvert now. You’ll feel as if you don’t have any worth in this world anymore for days or months at a time. Sometimes the pain feels lighter. It’s because time heals all wounds. I chose this topic because I know a few people with depression and honestly speaking, it’s not easy. I know that this research will be beneficial to many people.
Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a person 's thoughts, behavior, feelings, world view …show more content…

Its symptoms often differ, too, so many depressed teens are dismissed as simply being “difficult” or “delinquent.” Yet it is a serious problem, particularly when one considers the high rate of depression-related suicide among teenagers. Because its symptoms are varied and often subtle, depression at any age can be hard to identify. Many people, particularly teens, who are undergoing so many changes that affect mood and behavior are unaware that they are depressed. Even when they seek treatment, it is often only for the physical symptoms, such as sleeplessness or fatigue, and not the actual underlying cause. Many factors increase the risk of developing or triggering teen depression, those factors include - having issues that negatively impact self-esteem, such as obesity, peer problems, bullying, or academic

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