Depression In Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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Depression, may come off as shock, or as unrealistic for many people. Since those who don’t understand the concept of depression, have this completely distorted perspective of it being a way of a acting or wanting attention. But the fact is everyone at least once in their life has felt, as if everything is falling apart,everyone has felt so sad that they cant contain themselves, its something deeply personal, but in the end it is a feeling of depression, even if not awknowledged..So…What is depression? Depression is: a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason. ( Depression, is constantly being sad without even understanding why. As someone who has dealt with depression, I can really relate to Kafka 's The Metamorphosis, because the main character and the focus point of The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa is going through a depressive stages and transitioning to oblivion by turning into a bug. Besides that, it intrigues me to try to understand what might behind Kafka’s decision to have such in depth battles with
Depression is recurrent aspect that even though it doesn 't hit everyone as hard, it is there. This why seeing someone suffer the same way you do, just makes you reflect on your attitude towards others. Just as of how understanding Kafka as well. Everyone is fighting their own battle, and your no one to judge the way they live their life, or neglect them of their right to feel hurt. Kafka’s vivid way of narrating his pain through Gregor, makes you try to think outside the box for an instance, and be in Kafka’s shoes for a bit, or anyone that is dealing or struggling or has struggled with depression like I did. The Metamorphosis is transforming yourself,wearing a mask, in this case becoming a bug to the outside world, and feeling just completely empty and senseless

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