Characteristics Of Democratic And Authoritarianism In The Modern Government

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Democratic versus Authoritarian Regime
State - is a complex multi-faceted mechanism which shares many traits and characteristics that define its essence. Among them is one of the main such as a political regime. Depending on the political regime, it is determined by what means the country 's ruling elite controls the people, economy, puts into practice it’s economic, social and political agendas and views. There are different categories of political regimes, but I want to examine democratic and authoritarian regimes.
It is no secret that the modern civilized world is trying to build on the foundations of democracy. Democracy is the mode of the West, as well - the goal of the most developing countries of the East. Philippe Schmitter and Terry …show more content…

If the power is concentrated in the hands of one person, it does not necessarily make citizens of their country powerless. A striking example of the positive authoritarianism is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Modern and well-maintained country, where authoritarianism is held not due to the fabulous profits from oil, but from religion. King, who is actually the owner of absolutely everything that is in his country, provides the highest standard of living. In theory and in practice, the monarch 's power is limited only by the rules of Sharia. But this does not mean that the state acts without the executive, legislative and judicial bodies. And despite the fact that everything is controlled by the king, none of European politicians or political call the ruler of this country tyrant or despot. He did not appropriates all the income from the sale of "black gold" (oil) that he could do quite legally, but provides good leadership of the state, which gives a measure of the 19th place in the world for GDP per capita (Listed by International Monetary Fund). More than a quarter of the country 's annual budget is spent on education, by providing free access to it from school to universities. Also the government created six ultra-modern seaports. And all this is at the expense of the state, in fact - at the expense of an authoritarian ruler who does not steal from the people, does not hide …show more content…

I compared authoritarian and democratic regimes and discovered some interesting facts. These two regimes can be differentiated by looking at some of their main features that have been set for ages. The democratic regime is more about involving people in the political system that authoritarian state unfortunately doesn`t provide. However I don`t think that authoritarianism has extremely negative system. It still has the dictatorial leadership, but the governance of the state tries to readjust to better suit people. I found out that democratic political system severely limits the sheer power of personality and strengthens the power elite groups. When people elect their deputies to the power structures, in fact it forms the elite. And this elite can turn into an authoritarian group, whose opinion is dominant in decision making. I would prefer democracy, rather than authoritarianism. Even though democratic regime may have some flaws, it still provides freedom, equality and justice that every human being

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