Delicious but Deadly: Are Trans Fat the Answer to Obesity

730 Words2 Pages

As your enjoying your scrumptious donut, did you know that it is probably filled with greasy trans fatty acids? I’m almost positive that you didn’t know! Common foods like fat-filled donuts and greasy crackers have been enjoyed for many years, but could soon be erased completely from our lives as we now know them. The FDA is moving towards taking away all foods that contain trans fats. The reason that they are considering doing this is the health scare that trans fats have caused. I believe the FDA should ban trans fats because obesity has become a growing problem for our country, consuming a large amount of this fat can cause serious health problems such as heart disease, and many packaged foods abuse the use of hydrogenated oils in their products.
The United States has become a symbol for obesity in our world. Many people blame this problem on not getting sufficient exercise, but I believe that isn’t the only reason. Trans fats are a major factor when talking about causes of obesity. The percentage of obese and overweight people in the U.S. is 69.2% of our total population, and many of them live on a trans-fat filled diet. A test was taken in 2007 where African Green monkeys were fed fatty acids like trans fats for six years. The effects were a huge increase in weight and significant muscle loss. Also, there was a large amount of fat gained by the monkeys. People need to look at this evidence and see that the health of our country is heading in the wrong direction.
Trans fats can cause severe health problems. Others say trans fats don’t cause as many health problems as saturated fats do, but evidence proves them wrong. There are four main categories of fats. The first two categories are good fats, which include monounsatura...

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...dence has proven that if we don’t do anything about this problem, the overall health of our population will continue to deteriorate. We need to put an end to this dangerous and harmful fat before it is too late!

Works Cited
Cheung, M. (2010, January 16). Food Safety News. Retrieved from Banning Trans Fats:
Hamburg, M. (2013, November 7). Trans Fat Removal . (E. Weise, Interviewer)
Kimball, M. (2013, November 11). Hydrogenated Oils . (NOLA, Interviewer)
Magazine, H. (2013, November 14). Health. Retrieved from Margarine Sticks:,,20533295_5,00.html
Tate, K. (2013, November 7). Ben Swann. Retrieved from Government Power Grab:
Taylor, M. (2013, November 7). FDA. (B. Swann, Interviewer)

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