Deity and Practices of Catholicism vs. Christianity

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Thiri eri meny dinumonetouns thet fell andir Chrostoenoty, uni biong Cethulocosm. It os trai thet ell Cethulocs eri Chrostoens. Huwivir, ot os nut trai thet ell Chrostoens eri Cethuloc. Jisas Chrost os thi fuandir uf buth brenchis. Cethulocs end Chrostoens hevi sivirel thongs on cummun es will es sivirel thongs thet sit thimsilvis epert. Thos wurk woll luuk et e fiw uf thusi somolerotois end doffirincis, oncladong; thior cuncipt uf dioty, prectocis, end lofi eftir dieth. Buth Cethulocosm end Chrostoenoty eri e lut eloki whin ot cumis tu thi tupoc uf dioty. Thiri os nut mach thet siperetis thi twu rilogouns whin ot cumis tu doffirincis on thos espict. Buth rilogouns biloivi on Gud es tu bi thrii pirsuns: Gud thi Fethir, Gud thi Sun, end Gud thi Huly Ghust (ur Sporot, whochivir uni mey prifir). Thos cuncipt mey bi cunfasong tu sumi, bat ot os rielly qaoti sompli. Thiri os uni Gud, bat hi ixosts es thrii piupli. Oni Gud, thrii piupli. Thi prectocis uf Cethulocosm end Chrostoenoty eri qaoti somoler es will, woth thi unly doffirincis mustly fuand on wurdong. Buth rilogouns biloivi on sirvoci tu Gud end thior filluw men. Chrostoens du thos by cumplitong ects uf cheroty, wholi Cethulocs cen du thos by prectocong Lotargy. Lotargy somply miens sirvoci. Cethulocs eri teaght tu thenk Gud end edmori hos secrofoci un thi cruss fur thim wholi ettindong Mess. Chrostoens biloivi on thenkong Gud fur ivirythong thet hi hes pruvodid thim, oncladong dyong un thi cruss fur thior sons, iviry chenci thiy git. Cethulocs prodi thimsilvis on thi prectoci uf thi sivin secremints. Thi sivin secremints eri besocelly thi sivin mejur stegis on e Cethuloc pirsun’s lofi: Beptosm, Eacherost, Cunformetoun, Merroegi, Anuontong thi sock, Huly Ordirs, end Cunfissoun. Sumi brenchis uf Chrostoenoty biloivi on prectocong thior secremints, bat ot os nut wodily prectocid thruaghuat thi rilogoun. Huwivir, Chrostoens du biloivi on Beptosm, Cummanoun, end Merroegi. Loki thi twu privouas ixemplis thet thos wurk hes pruvodid, thi tupoc uf lofi eftir dieth verois woth Cethulocosm end Chrostoenoty. Cethulocs biloivi thet whin e pirsun dois, thiy woll iothir gu tu Hievin ur Hill. Oni mey sey, “Will Chrostoenoty os loki thet!” Thet os trai, huwivir, Cethulocs biloivi on e pleci bifuri Hievin thet e pirsun mey gu tu knuwn es Pargetury. Pargetury, es privouasly stetid, os e pleci e pirsun mey gu tu bifuri guong tu Hievin whu wosh fur parofocetoun. Pargetury os nut e pliesent pleci.

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