Gender Inequality Essay Examples

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Short Answers: define and give an example in two or three sentences (5 points each). 1. Social Construction This is where a society makes up ideas of what is normal and abnormal genders. For example, gender is socially constructed into two different genders (male and female) in the U. S. A. Male and female is what society views as normal genders and the other gender identities are considered abnormal. Two examples of the U.S. socially constructing gender are babies getting gender colored clothing when they are born and getting gendered toys (lecture 922/16). 2. Intersectionality Intersectionality is when you compare multiple of your identities with other people’s identities. It is also looking at the privileges and lack of privileges …show more content…

During this time period the gender order changes into something completely different. It’s a time when women voice their opinions against gender inequality. An example of this is in Brazil is the formation of the Women’s Liberation Movement in the post colonial period. This was a feminist movement that illuminated issues such as workplace and education inequalities (Connell and Pearse 60). 4. Dominant gender ideology This is the idea that one gender dominates over the other genders. The non-dominant genders are viewed in ways that make them seem dependant on the dominant gender. Male dominance in, the time of Sojourner Truth, made women be viewed as delicate and inferior to men in every way (lecture 9/22/16). An example of women being viewed as delicate was they needed to be helped out of carriages by men.(Truth).They could not work certain “male jobs” because they were thought as incapable of doing these jobs well. Long Answers: define in no more than two paragraphs/one page (10 points each). 1. Using intersectionality theory, discuss Kricket Nimmons’ and Harriet’s identities. Contrast their experiences with those of more privileged trans women and gay

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