Pros And Cons Of Deficit Spending

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Deficit spending happens when a government grows its debt, meaning that its spending is greater than its income. (Deficit Spending, 2008) Deficit spending is a fiscal policy, that when used appropriately can do some amazing things, like pull the United States up from its bootstraps effectively ending The Great Depression. President Hoover increased government spending by 50% and used the money to fund public works and infrastructure projects from 1928 to 1932. (Deficit Spending, 2008)
Economist John Maynard Keynes is credited with giving deficit spending academic legitimacy when he published “The General Theory” in 1936, even though many of his ideas were rebranded. (Deficit Spending, 2008) The advantages of deficit spending are that is helps
Crowding out happens when a government increases borrowing, which in turn increases the interest rate, now private firms are less willing to borrow to increase private sector growth because the financial advantage is severely compromised because they have to dip into their profits to fund the project, which is less desireable. (Crowding Out Effect, 2015) Crowding out is also a factor in social programs. Governments raise taxes to fund social programs, this means that the taxpayers have less income to spend how they please. This directly impacts the amount of charitable donations given by taxpayers. This means that the government is now funding more of the social programs that the private sector may have taken care of before. (Crowding Out Effect,
However, in the long-term there is a huge risk of deficit spending hindering economic growth. Economics is a balancing act, I think that if deficit spending is applied in specific areas that are of the greatest need for a very limited period then it is beneficial. I think currently the best reason to increase deficit spending it would be in infrastructure. We hear all the time that our bridges are crumbling, and are far past their life expectancy. We also could use some significant upgrades to our power grid, as well as our internet networks, although those are both controlled solely by private firms. I think in the long-term there needs to be some control to how much deficit is

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