Compare The Difference Between Declaration Of The Rights Of Woman And Female Citizens

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While reading both the articles, Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens, The National Assembly of France, and Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizens by Olympe de Gouges, I found that mean of the laws and permits introduced had many similarities to the Declaration of Independence written in 1776. Only thirteen years later the French began to induct the ideals of Americans for the rights of their men and citizens. Once women began to feel the inequality looming in the air they decided to stand up and form the National Assembly of Women in order to gain equal rights among man and also politically. The Declaration of Men and Citizen which was presented in August 1789 by the organization known as the National Assembly. …show more content…

These laws went as far as the judicial system being that all men are in the eyes of the law innocent until proven beyond a reasonable doubt guilty. This means depending on the case and crime all punishments must be reasonable according to the evidence. Including the right to a fair trial. No man is to be prosecuted based on solei religious reasoning. Continuing down the list man demanded the right to free speech. One of the last laws that not everyone was extremely excited about but was equally in on was the plan that all men pay taxes …show more content…

With minor differences such as the belief that public misfortune was due to ignorance, omission, or scorn for the rights of women. Also mentioning that all women are born free and therefore are entitled to liberty, security, and especially resistance to oppression. As all men do all women should also have the right to vote in matters of the public. Along with that would come the right for a fair trial taking into account the law of nature and reason and equally can be charged and prosecuted as seen fit by the case or crime. Something very interesting in the set of laws includes the term that men and women share equally all duties and painful

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