The Pros And Cons Of Trigger Warnings

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Trigger warnings are highly controversial and the debate whether they should be used or not is up in the air. The term “trigger warning” has come to refer to introductory statements on web postings of graphic descriptions of rape, eating disorders and self-harm. They are used to alert readers who may be struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder related to those topics so that they can choose whether to continue reading. The purpose of using a trigger warning in the classroom is to let students know that the material that their professors have assigned may cause physiological or psychological reactions as a result of past traumas. The debate over trigger warnings is not a simple black and white answer. There are many angles to how this …show more content…

She states that professors who let students dictate what they teach are cowards. She goes on to say that she lectures what she wants and if they have a problem with the material being discussed then they can miss that day. This author is very persuasive in her writing style, but there is one significant flaw in her article. Because she has tenure, she is nearly impossible to fire. This diminishes her credibility because she is in a completely different boat from the original article. Schlosser does not have tenure so he is much more likely to be …show more content…

I think that we should not just completely get rid of trigger warnings or have trigger warnings on every single article ever written. I think there needs to be a good balance between the two. Trigger warnings also raise an important question. Do trigger warnings actually work? Is there enough evidence to show that trigger warning actually help PTSD victims and rape victims? I tried searching the internet for any evidence if trigger warnings help I think that they should be mainly used in colleges in universities where there is a discussion about rape or

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