Raising The Driving Age Essay

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Teenagers have the highest average of annual traffic violations than any other age group in the U.S. (Teen Drivers:Get The Facts). This may be one reason why over 100 countries, including most of Europe, have a minimum driving age set at 18. Although the debate over raising the driving age to 18, in the U.S, has been an ongoing argument for many years, researchers have found that raising the driving age would drastically impact the U.S in a positive way. (McBride). Parents say that this would be a benefit because teens would be held responsible for their own actions, since they would be an adult, and parent involvement would no longer be necessary. They also say they want to keep their teen’s safe but not sure if raising the age by 2 years would actually help. Scientist has concluded that even though it is only by 2 years the brain is more developed and teens are more mature.(Crowe). Meaning they would be more focused on the road instead of other distractions. Raising the driving age to 18 would be the best decision for the U.S. …show more content…

This means that if a teen wrecks and it is his/hers fault it comes back on the parent(s).(The Minimum Driving Age Should Be Raised To 18). This would be a benefit to raising the driving age to 18 because then the teen would be considered an adult and parents would no longer be held accountable for their child/children actions while driving. In August, 2014 a father was sentenced 6½ years in prison because his 16 year old daughter struck another car and killed 3 teens.(Noman). She was unharmed, besides a few scrapes and scratches. The parents of the killed teens said she got off way too easy and she should have really been the one charged.(Noman).Although the dad had nothing to do with the wreck, he was the one who had to face the consequences of her

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