Persuasive Essay On Vaccination

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Yes, this country was founded on liberty and freedom of choice, there can be no denying this. The primary source of debate against vaccinations as an assault on liberty stems from parent’s opinion that this is in some way the government trying to tell them how to raise their children as children in many states must have current vaccinations to attend public school. With respect, the government can have authority as to how someone raises their children. The government has laws detailing what constitutes child endangerment and abuse and failure for parents to remain well outside of these lines can result in parental incarceration and the movement of children into the foster care system. Federal law defines child abuse as "any recent act or failure
This is evident in the changing regulations insurance companies place upon what they will or will not cover from year to year, with the non-covered items list appearing to increase every fiscal year. A great number of insurances do cover vaccinations for children however and assistance is available for children who either do not have health insurance or are underinsured through the use of programs such as the Vaccines for Children program. According to, “children younger than 19 years of age are eligible for VFC vaccines if they are Medicaid-eligible, American Indian or Alaska Native or have no health insurance. "Underinsured" children who have health insurance that does not cover vaccination can receive VFC vaccines through Federally Qualified Health Centers or Rural Health Centers” (, accessed July 24 2016). Although there may be fees associated with the utilization of the VFC program, children are protected against denial of vaccination if their family cannot cover the monetary fee, according to the website. Those who are fortunate enough to have insurance which pays for vaccinations yet still feel that the cost is too high should consider the fact that although the cost of keeping a single child
Yes, there are risks with any medical procedure, and vaccinations are no exception and there is no denying the fact that people have died from vaccinations, however, most of these deaths such as the death of the son of King George III occurred in the late 18th century, a time far removed from our own. For those who cite the disaster at Cutter laboratories which resulted in the inoculation of patients with active poliovirus which resulted in the deaths of ten individuals and the paralysis of “nearly 150” it is important to remember than while this without question is a tragedy which should not be minimalized, this occurred in 1955 when regulations and protocols were nowhere near as strict as they are now. Most people have at one time taken acetaminophen, yet they no longer worry that they would drop dead of cyanide poisoning as was the case for seven people in 1982 (Fletcher, 2009). The notion that the development of Autism or Autism-spectrum disorders are linked to vaccinations such as the measles mumps and rubella, or MMR vaccine resultant from a falsified report by a gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield and colleagues who stated that 8 children developed Autism due to MMR vaccination which caused which caused “intestinal inflammation that led to translocation of usually no permeable peptides to the bloodstream and, subsequently, to

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