Persuasive Essay About Suicide

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Like every afternoon, James Mendel is outside hanging out with his friends playing football after school. It was a thing for them to always play every day. Until one day, his friends noticed that James was not there to play with them. They also noticed that he was not even at school that day. This continued on for days, until his friends were told the shocking news to why he had been gone. James is suicidal and wants to take his life away. Ever since then, he isolated himself from all of his friends, and suffered from depression. “On average, 1 person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes” (“11 Facts About Suicide” 1). If that were to be added up in one day, that would be about 96 people dead due to suicide. Nowadays, suicide is so common that people tend to forget how serious this issue is. The very few times people react is if they happen to know the person who committed suicide personally. It is unfortunate that people do not realize how big suicide is to begin with and how bigger it can get. Suicide is an on-growing topic and society must be known to all the facts of this issue to prevent it from happening.
To further explain suicide, it is not just a feeling; It is a life changing action.”Suicide is a desperate attempt to escape suffering that …show more content…

Suicide Awareness Voices of Education” 1). Higher chances of committing suicide is in men, while suffering from the effects from being suicidal is in women. Stated earlier, suicidal people try to find different ways in attempt of taking their life away. The ways males and females commit suicide are also different from each other. For males, the most common way is through firearms, and for females, the most common way is through poisoning (“Save. Suicide Awareness Voices of Education” 1). Although some statistics for one sex may be way worse than the other, all of this still happens because of one thing, committing suicide and wanting to commit

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