A Short Story: Losing Someone Close To You

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Losing someone close to you is one of the hardest things to go through. It can impact someone 's life so much as to leaving the person depressed and not wanting to do anything anymore just out of grief. For example, my uncle passed away not to long ago because of cancer. It really slapped me in the face when I finally realized that he was gone. His death had a great impact on my life. I was at work when I saw Mike, a close family friend, and he was asking me about my uncle and how he was doing when in mid conversation he received a text message from my uncles friend, Jerry. He paused as he read the message, looked up at me with tears in his eyes as he handed me the phone. The text read “I just finished with dans coffin, I’m going to take it in my truck over to the haggertys.” As I read the text message it was as if I had dry swallowed a pill. I clenched my teeth trying to hold back tears that seemed to be trying to burst out without my control. I looked down when I felt Mike pulling me in to hug me. As soon as he did I began to cry uncontrollably. He took me in front of the downstairs office so that I could cry there instead of in front of customers and coworkers. He gave me his phone to call my dad in order to make sure that everything was okay or if I …show more content…

I didn 't have anyone to talk to, my grades went down, and I became quieter than I was before. I got my progress report one day and I had one B, five C’s, one D, and one F. I started thinking to myself, “how would Uncle Dan feel if I told him I had these grades. I sat pondering this thought. Then came to the understanding that he would have been disappointed, I would hate for him to be disappointed in me. I decided to bring my grades up, by the time I got my report card I had A’s and B’s straight across! I felt accomplished, and happy. I remembered his smirk and I promised myself that I would strive to be better than I ever had been before! I would do it all in my uncles

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