The Crimson Flame

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Story Summary
The story The Crimson Flame by Franklin W. Dixon starts with Frank and Joe Hardy in a New York City subway station. They see a man in a western outfit being followed, and start to investigate out of curiosity. After following the two for a while, the second man jumps the man in the western outfit. The boys fight off the second man, and help the western man. He introduces himself as Alfred McVay, an Arizonan rancher. He explains that he had just purchased a giant ruby called the Crimson Flame at a jewel auction. This immediately arouses the suspicion of the Hardy brothers, and they alert a nearby policeman of what had happened and a description of the attacker. The policeman recognizes the attacker by their description as Oscar Tamm, a notorious jewel thief. Also, McVay finds that the secret pocket that he put the ruby in was slightly opened. This meant that the thief knew about the pocket, but Mr. McVay says that only he and a few close friends knew about the pocket.
After this, Frank and Joe offer to go to Mr. McVay’s hotel with him as protection. Upon arrival at the hotel, Mr. McVay gets attacked by Tamm again. He was now very frightened. Frank and Joe, sensing that something was wrong, also accompanied McVay to the airport and gave him their phone numbers. It went fine, and the Hardy boys went home. That night, though, Mr. McVay calls again, saying that strange things were happening at the ranch and that the boys should come to investigate. Frank and Joe agree to be on the midnight flight to Arizona. Mr. McVay says that they could pose as new cowhands to not arouse suspicion, and the boys agree. Upon arrival, they are met by Wat Perkins, McVay’s foreman. His truck seems to have a problem starting up, and he lets...

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... to second ruby was found. One of the miners showed the three the ruby, but then Tamm runs in, knocks them all down, and takes the ruby!
Frank and Joe then get up and start chasing him through the jungle, eventually getting to an abandoned temple. They look inside the temple, but Tamm isn’t there, so they decide to search the entire temple. Tamm and Summers with some sinister Thais see them and trap the boys in the temple. The Hardys are forced down into a hole beneath a throne in the temple. In the hole, there is a cobra, but it leaves the boys alone. Frank then has an idea that since the snake could get in; there is probably a way out. There is, and the boys go back into the jungle. In the jungle, they see a plane that the criminals used, and they bent the propellers so that the plane would be disabled. Frank and Joe then go back to To Kor and find Bo Dai there.

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