Essay On Symbolism In The Lottery

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One murky, miserable night imagine walking through a foggy midnight dark forest where the leaves of tall trees would clash together as if in anger and the wind gushing across like a lions roar, the hair on the back of my neck rises. You feel death creeping in the shadows, how are you feeling right now? Depressed, scared, and maybe feeling the shivers running through your body because of the suspense? All these descriptive words are conditions of the word or color black. When something is black the first thing you would think about is something dark, gothic or even horror and there is nothing comforting about it, because the color black is most often associated with horror movies or loss of life. Black also can be a condition of rebellion, terror, The ritual in this story is a lottery where everyone in the town gathers to pick a piece of paper out of a black box. The black box that has been passed down from a long line of ancestors, it is symbolic because it represents death. One member from each family in the village comes up and picks a piece of paper from the black box. One of the pieces of papers is marked with a black dot and whichever family gets the paper with the black dot has to put the paper back. Then the whole family gets to pick again and whoever gets the black dot will be stoned to death as a sacrifice. In “The Lottery” death is symbolized using the color black; the black box, the black dot and the rituals of stoning one to death all represent death. Old man Warner would say “Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon”. This quote symbolizes death, meaning that if someone is sacrificed, the crops will be plentiful. The towns’ people do not want to change the ways of their ancestors’ rituals, as they have been listening to the oldest man in the town talk about how it would change the ways of Summers is a very ironic and influential character in this story. When you think of summer you think of green growth, warmth, life and joy, but in this short story Mr. Summers is everything other than that. Mr. Summers is married to a woman, who was thought of as a “scold” and he has no children because he is infertile; ironic because the word summer is thought of as happiness and growth, therefore being infertile is the opposite of producing life. Mr. Summers also owns a coal plant; this is also ironic because coal is a combustible dark rock consisting mainly of carbonized plant matter, and found mainly in the ground. In the short story “Maus” the color black can be symbolized in the black and white panels, it brings suspense but more depth to the story. When taking a close look at the characters, you will notice that the cats are dark and bold; they have black helmets and guns. Nevertheless this can be thought of as a darker evil sense. Whereas, the white mice are forced to wear black suits because of the harsh rules the cats

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