The Dark Side Of Cellphones Essay

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Dark side of Cellphones Cellular devices, one might say that it is one of the greatest creations that mankind has ever made but, now it has become the newest and trending addiction in society. The purposes of it, like any other technological device, was to make our lives easier. But ever since the announcement of smart phone devices, more and more people are addicted to its entertaining system. They have been slowly becoming a necessity in our everyday lives. But little do we know that smart phones are slowly consuming us. This new addiction has a name called nomophobia. According to College Student Journal, "nomophobia, is the anxiety of losing the smartphone or the fear of being out of mobile phone contact". It can also be an abbreviation for "no mobile phone phobia". With this being said, it shows how being without our smartphones can affect us not only physically but mentally as well. What makes anything an addiction is how we develop tolerance towards the substance. But it not the device itself that makes us addicted to it but was it …show more content…

Smart phones have become crucial part of our daily lives. One of the most common function of the using a phone, is that it helps communication easier and obtainable. However, it ironically causes many problems with communication. Firstly, cell phone use has caused direct human to human interaction to decrease steadily. Texting and talking on the cell phones are gradually replacing the interactive way of communication, in person, face to face. Today, it is all about Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter, Snapchat, etc. that have taken the pleasure of meeting and conversing with someone. With these new social media apps, anyone can pick up their phones and call from home, rather than going and visit the person. Despite the visual enhancements the phones provide, nothing beats the joy of witnessing the other person smile while you are

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