The Dangers Of Distracted Driving

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The says, "Everyday more that 9 people are killed in the united states and more than 1,153 people are injured in car crashes that are reported involving a distracted driver."Distracted driving is driving while doing another activity that takes drivers ' attention away from driving. An everyday activity that is dangerous is being distracted while driving. Three situations that can cause driving to be dangerous are texting while driving, being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs while operating a vehicle,being distracted by passengers inside the car. First, texting while driving can cause a driver to be distracted. Texting by far is the most alarming distraction because it requires you full attention. It requires the driver …show more content…

Driving under the influence is one of the most dangerous thing you could do because, when you do you become impaired which makes your reaction time decrease,distorted perception, blurred vision, and aggressive behavior and so on. The says, “ In 2013,a total of 1,149 children 14 and younger were killed in a car crash due to driving under the influence.” says, “Every 51 minutes someone is killed in a drinking and driving car crash.” You don 't only endanger yourself when you drive under the influence you also endanger everyone else on the road. A man was driving while under the influence of pills. He was overconfident that he could drive fine and he ended up hitting someone because he didn 't stop in time and it killed him instantly. People think they are fine to drive under the influence all the time but the truth is you 're not. If you drive under the influence you will either wreck and kill yourself or someone else or you will go to …show more content…

Passenger can be distracting to a driver because they talk loud, horse play, trying to discipline children, or having a loose pet in the car. When you have children you should tell them that it’s important job for you to focus on the road and give them something to do in the car like a game, book, or a toy. If you need to give attention to your child you need to pull over to a safe place and do so. When you have friends or family in the car that are distracting you then you should explain to them that they are distracting you and tell them to talk or do whatever 's distracting outside of the car. You should never have a pet loose in the car because they could jump on you and hit the steering wheel or jump up blocking the road and make you wreck. You should always put you pet in a carrier while they are in the car. The says,” A new study has found that drivers with passengers were almost 60% more likely to have a crash resulting in hospitalization than those who hit the open

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