Argumentative Essay On Smoking Cigarettes

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Smoking cigarettes is a very deadly addiction that, unfortunately, 42.1 million adults in the United States and 6.4 million children have. The reason why so many people get addicted to cigarettes because of nicotine. says that nicotine is “Made by the tobacco plant or produced synthetically. Nicotine has powerful pharmacologic effects (including increased heart rate, heart stroke volume, and oxygen consumption by the heart muscle), as well as powerful psychodynamic effects (such as euphoria, increased alertness, and a sense of relaxation). Nicotine is also powerfully addictive.” The reason why tobacco companies use nicotine in their products is so they have reliable customers who literally need their product, this is a very
Like 20 minutes after you quit your heart rate will drop back to normal levels. And after 2 hours your blood pressure will have decreased to almost normal levels. 3 weeks after you quit you will be able to exercise “without feeling winded and sick” (

Community Globally, one billion people smoke on a regular basis. Eventually, it will kill half of its users. This is a very large portion of the world dying increasingly to a bad habit. Something that has all of this scientific research proving that is is deadly should not have that many users.(

Almost 80% of the worlds smokers are lower middle class to lower class. ( This statistic that was taken from the World Health Organization, W.H.O., shows that around the globe it is the less educated making these choices.

Big brands like Marlboro spend 70% of their profits on advertisements in 3rd world countries to try and get the people who do not know the consequences of smoking.In total tobacco companies spend over ten billion dollars on advertisement world wide. ( The advertisement that is going on is on the covers are are cartoon animals and images that show if you smoke you will be

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