The Dangers of Genetically Modified Food

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Many Americans consume thousands of pounds of genetically modified foods every day. Throughout the 21st century, genetic engineering tremendously impacted new research in pharmaceutical and forensic science. During that time, it also revolutionized the food in America and many other countries around the world. Using Recombinant DNA biotechnology on crops and farm animals helps improve nutrition and quantity of foods. However, crops that are altered with hybrid genes can also contain chemicals harmful to humans. By using developed biotechnology, scientists are able to inject viruses and bacteria into the embryos of plants to produce genetically modified crops (). The same is applied for transgenic farm animals to increase the size of the animal, thereby producing more meat. Hormones injected into the genes of farm animals cause them to grow faster for marketing. People consuming meats that are genetically modified are susceptible to infection. Genetically modified food affects human health by causing diseases, obesity, and genetic mutation in human fetuses.
In the United States, many people die from diseases transmitted through genetically modified (GM) foods. In addition, 5,200 people are killed annually by food-borne diseases in the United States (Frenzen). Another 3,400 are murdered by unknown pathogens such as bacteria, toxins, viruses, and prions transmitted through GM food (Frenzen). Prions are infectious protein particles, unlike a virus, contains no nucleic acid, does not trigger an immune response, and is not destroyed by extreme heat or cold(). Prions that enter the human body can alter the immune system killing thousands of cells triggering disease in the tissues. Many deaths caused by unknown pathogens are not reco...

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Finally, genetically modified foods can alter and mutate fetuses during pregnancy, especially in the first and second trimesters. According to Sherbrook University Hospital in Quebec, the insecticides Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) used in corn production is a toxin that affects unborn humans. A total of 93% of 30 pregnant women and 80% of each baby’s blood was discovered to contain Bt toxins (Jeffrey). Bt is a soil bacteria genetically placed into cells of corn crops to help the plants fight off deadly pests. Monsanto and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said, “Once the toxic is ingested, it is destroyed by human digestive system and cannot harm human immune system (Jeffery).” Unfortunately, there are traces of the toxin found in many of the fetuses whose mothers ingested Bt corns.

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