Johnathan Kozol's The Human Cost Of An Illiterate Society

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Dangers in the causes of illiteracy
To be literate is to have “the ability to read, write and speak English proficiently, to compute and solve problems, and to use technology in order to become a life-long learner and to be effective in the family, in the workplace and in the community” (Roman 81). Literacy is a foundation to almost everything in daily life, from the most basic information on food labels to the most important notice on bank accounts. Reading and writing is crucial to know and useful to have. It is surprising how illiteracy can be so common even though we are living far away from the period which the alphabetical order was first invented. There are many factors that cause illiteracy to keep in mind, for example; poverty, population growth, government corruption, and even gender-based has a part just to name a few. To place the blame solely on one party is not appropriate because each of these factors plays a role in illiteracy in society today.
One of the major reasons that associates with illiteracy is poverty in …show more content…

It seems to talk about illiteracy being caused by the heads in government negligence that leads to such other faults including corruption. State apparatus appears to have no problems as government tries to conceal the misuse of public funds for private profit. Illiteracy can be eradicated sooner if the government focus on providing free literacy programs to all people at all levels, organizing loans and scholarships, or giving better facilities for education beforehand. “Corruption in subnational government remains a major political and economic issue in the developing world” (Bland 266). There will be no developing world if illiteracy still exists, and there will no literate society if economy does not support

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