3D Teachers in a Dystopian World

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3D Teachers in a Dystopian World

Introduction: Technology and social media have changed our discourse from the moment humans were introduced to it. Teaching and education is one of the ways in which the discourse could be completely shifted in a new society where technology rules. Teaching already has changed within the last 100 years because of different learning methods like tutoring and it has changed within the last ten years because of the advancements in technology like online education. In a world that is innovating quicker than the speed of light, it is obvious that our technology will continue to advance in the future. Along with the advancements of technology our lives will have to adapt to those new environments. Due to this already drastic change it is not unrealistic to think a dystopian world can emerge. This type of change can turn into a dystopia when the value of human relationships is sacrificed just for the “convenience” of an online relationship. When people no longer learn from books and prefer to learn through videos or recorded lessons. In the past ten years students have already been introduced to a variety of online education. More students are choosing online education because of how accessible and easy it is to get information from. In the journey to make education as perfect as possible, holography will be viewed as the ultimate solution. In the future, teachers will be replaced with holograms that lack authentic emotions, due to people preferring online relationships to real human relationships, accessible and quick advancement of technology as well as people receiving information from video sources instead of books and writing.

Historical Background:...

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...m and having online relatonships and watching videos is one way they can stay connected to people. However if we are not careful our society can completely change because of technology in terms of education, teaching and learning. Learning is an essential part of society because as we all know “kids are the future”. If we do not want to replace our teachers with holograms there are ways xto control this problem in a efficient way there a few things to consider. The solution for this problem is to SLOW DOWN. By slowing down what I mean is taking a break from technology and stepping away from videos and online education. We should not be replacing textbooks with laptops and ipads in schools. We should be encouraging a stronger relatonship between teachers and students, so people understand that having a physical person present when learning will be helpful.

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