Features Of Sunspot: Outline The Cyclic Nature Of Sunspots

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Question 1- Describe the features of sunspots, explaining the theories that have been suggested for their location and behaviour on the Sun’s surface. Outline the cyclic nature of sunspot activity.
Features of Sunspots
The photosphere is the Sun’s most outer layer where light is radiated and it is around 5000 –6000 Kelvin. Sunspots appear on the photosphere and are around 1500 K cooler than their surroundings making them appear darker compared to the areas around it. The size of sunspots range from small spots, also known as pores which have a diameter of less than 1000km to groups of sunspots called clusters which can reach up to 100 000km in diameter. They also appear to have a dark centre called the umbra and surrounding it there is a region which is a lighter called the penumbra.
Sunspots also are known to be regions of intense magnetic activity. The magnetic fields have a strength up to 0.4 tesla while the Sun’s magnetic field strength is usually just 1x10-4 tesla.
Formation of Sunspots
Proposed by H.Babcock in 1961… Because the Sun is a ball of gas and not a solid, parts of the Sun can spin at different speeds. The rotation of the Sun takes 25 days in at the equator while near the poles one rotation takes around 36 …show more content…

Ranging from gamma rays all the way to radio waves. Harmful rays such as X-rays and Gamma rays are absorbed by the oxygen and nitrogen gas in the upper most layers of the atmosphere. These radiations a have a high frequency making them dangerous to life forms. Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by the ozone at about 100km altitude. Infra-red is absorbed by water vapour and carbon dioxide at an altitude of 20km. The wave lengths left are from the visible spectrum, near infra-red, microwaves and radio waves. Many of these waves are reflected back into space but the remaining near infra-red and visible light allows for enough solar energy to sustain plant life and warm the

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