Effects Of Cybercrime

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Cybercrime is a big concern in society and the healthcare industry is at risk of being a victim just like any other industry. It can cause healthcare costs to rise and increase safety concerns for patients, not to mention it can violate the Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Cybercrime affects all aspects of the healthcare industry including but not limited to consumers, healthcare providers, payers and pharmaceutical companies. The purpose of this research paper is to state facts about cybercrime and the effects it has on the healthcare industry, what actions can be taken for prevention , as well as my opinion on the issue.
Cybercrime Facts According to Dictionary.com (Cybercrime, n.d.), cybercrime is defined as “criminal activity or a crime that involves the Internet, computer system, or computer technology”. There are many kinds of cybercrimes, such as the spreading of computer viruses, cyberterrorism, and the stealing of someone’s identity. A computer virus is a piece of malicious programming code that is associated with an attachment. It causes a computer to act in such a way that can be detrimental for the user and is often times unnoticed. When …show more content…

If there is a data breach, patients should be informed, which in turn can increase the possibility that the patient will lose trust in their provider, therefore hurting the credibility of the provider. Patients may opt to look for health care elsewhere if they feel they cannot trust their healthcare provider with their personal information. Health care providers owe it to their patients to follow the guidelines of the HIPAA privacy rule, which protects the privacy of individuals. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Services (Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule, 2003), failure to comply with the requirement of the Privacy Rule, can be penalized up to $50,000 per violation, with a calendar cap of

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