Case Study: The Dignity For All Student's Act

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Today in our schools cyberbullying is something that happens often. Cyberbullying in when a child bullies another child by using the internet or some type of technology. This is something that is affecting schools today. Since this is likely to happen in our around schools, schools should have policies where they address the issue of cyberbullying.
According to New York State laws, we have an act called, The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). The Dignity for All Student’s Act is an act that “strives to provide New York State students with a safe and understanding setting free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property”. This act was passed in 2010 to ensure that all elementary and secondary schools …show more content…

Some students might not know what bullying/ cyberbullying is and that they are hurting other students. According to my school district, which is in Manhattan they have an action plan that they are required to take once they find out that a student has been bullied. The first step that the they must take is they must make an analysis of the situation. Meaning the teachers or faculty must look into the situation when a student has brought it up. The second step that the school has made is prevention measures. In which they can come up with rules and they can educate the students on how to use the technology appropriately so, that cyberbullying will not occur. Another action plan that this school has is to encourage the parents to collaborate with the school. By having the parents collaborate they can create a safe environment for the students. Schools can also send home fliers on how to talk to their children about anti-bullying, signs to look for in their children if they feel that their child is being bullied, or how to help their child if they see or heard about someone being bullied or cyber bullied. It was also mentioned that ongoing communication between the school and the parent of the child who were bullied or was doing the bullied will continue with the school until a resolution has been

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