Cyberbullying in Higher Education

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Within the realm of higher education, the utilization of technology has introduced a variety of legal and ethical issues. The reality of cyberbullying has expanded the risk of harassment and aggression, within defined bullying, to include the ever-evolving world of cyberspace (Minor et al., 2012). Previously a focus of educators within the K-12 system, the existence of such harmful acts have breached into the college environment. This exposure establishes a strong need for policy to be created and action to be taken to guarantee the well-being of students beyond assumed campus boundaries. As well, programming to promote ethical use of technology by students and staff can better prepare institutions for ensuring best practice. Throughout the following paper, the issue of cyberbullying will be expanded and supported through association of court cases, developed outcomes, and suggestions for further application within higher education.


Since the 1970’s, bullying has served a constant focus within literature for its force of aggression and harassment among peer-to-peer association. (Walker et al., 2011). Bullying involves “constant exposure to negative actions, introduced by one or more opposing individuals, in which implications to cause harm to physical or emotional well-being” are enforced (Minor et al, 2013, p. 16; Olweus, 2012, p. 3). The implications of such actions produce a negative environment that fosters unhealthy relationships among all those involved. These actions are committed through the production of physical abuse in terms of violent acts like pushing or punching; and psychological abuse in the terms of rumors, taunting, and exclusion (Dogruer & Yaratan, 2014; Minor et al., 2011). In further explanat...

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