Cyber Security and Technology

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In today’s world technology has evolved to the point where a large amount of information is stored in cyberspace. It is because of this type of storage people around the world have an easier time at accessing information than ever before. The time before the late 20th century gathering information was long and tedious to get a book that the library did not own would take at least a couple of weeks depending on the time period or it may not have been possible to obtain that book. But now people can access a vast amount of information in a matter of minutes. Example, in modern times if someone wanted to know about a different culture they could simple look up the information on a computer or any device that had access to internet. People can also store sensitive information in cyberspace data such as finances, personal or informative. Cyberspace is capable of holding a whole history of one person’s financial records and that person can simply access this entire history with a few clicks and passwords. An ability like this is only possible in cyberspace and data that is more sensitive and essential to society, governments and people are often stored there. In cyberspace, despite the lowered chance of information being stolen there are still dangers people should have some knowledge about in order defend themselves. Cyber terrorism is one of the major treat to all sensitive information in cyberspace. Cyber terrorism can be defined as the use of computers and technology to cause server disruption or widespread fear in society. Through cyber terrorism data that is sensitive to major corporation and government alike are in danger of being hacked then used against them. Cyber security helps defend against cyber-attacks by tra...

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...t are strengthening the security and resiliency of critical infrastructure” ( This can lead to new opportunities for technicians who need a job. Computer technicians can specialize in a wide variety of fields such as monitoring, programing and repairing. The world that we know calls for more computer technicians in order to aid in cyber security and protect data any government or businesses. The more computer technicians means a vast selection so the best can picked for governments or major corporations which will mean a decreased chance at being a victim of hacking or cyber terrorism.

1. Mcfeely A. Richard. 2013. Statement Before the Senate Appropriations Committee Washington, D.C.
2. Tafoya L. William. Tafoya. 2011. Cyber Terror.

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