Customer Analysis Essay

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Customer Analysis
Targeting who your customers are is the future of your business. Figuring out what motivates them to purchase goods or services, where they buy them, and who buys them are parts that need to be determined to gain a foothold. By collecting data on specifics such as age, gender, location, economic status, who buys your products both currently and in the future, among other information, will determine who your customer base is and how to market them and retain them. By specifically targeting these categories, it paints a clearer picture of how to target. By taking the four P’s into consideration; Price, product, promotion and place, this also helps you figure out what your value drivers are that makes you understand what drives …show more content…

• Language – Examining the languages abroad will make sure that communicating a message is said correctly in translation and more importantly, interpreted correctly. At times language is a barrier and can make or break a company’s chances for success in that nation. Body language should be considered at well as different cultures interpret meanings of gestures …show more content…

Attempting to comply and adhering to each nation’s laws and regulation, which can change frequently is challenging, as well as clarifying ambiguous regulations and establishing who has jurisdiction. Other aspects to consider are rules or laws, taxes, product safety and product liability, licensing and trade secrets as well as intellectual property, compensations and royalties, foreign employment, and laws linked to religion.
• Religion - The nature and complexity of the different religions an international marketer could encounter is pretty diverse. The organization needs to make sure that their products and services are not offensive, unlawful or distasteful to the local nation. This includes marketing promotion and branding. Middle Eastern countries are governed by Islamic Law which adds more complexities. Careful research is needed or legal consequences could follow since religion and law are governed as one.

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