Analysis Of Cosmopolitanism

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As defined, cosmopolitanism as a whole is the idea that all cultures and ethnic groups within our world belong to a single community based on a shared morality. Considering this, Anthony Appiah claims that “cosmopolitanism is universality plus difference.” He says this because cosmopolitanism is based upon people accepting the variety of people, but understanding that all the different people of the world belong to one group due to a shared moral standard. But how can this be, when there are wars and conflicts going on throughout the world? Appiah discusses this throughout his book Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers, as well as the commitments that cosmopolitans make, such as the commitment to the respect of differences in humans …show more content…

A major disagreement among numerous people is religion because each person believes that they are right and the other is wrong, whereas cosmopolitans believe that both are right in their own sense. Appiah uses the example of a Muslim and a Catholic in his chapter, “The Shattered Mirror,” in order to solidify his argument of cosmopolitanism. “Muslims should go to Mecca, Catholics to Mass” – this statement, however, is not valid in today’s world. If you do not believe in one of these traditions because you believe your religion is the only religion, you would believe those who think otherwise are mistaken, not you. As Appiah concluded within this chapter, “we can often experience the appeal of values that aren’t, exactly, our own. So perhaps, when it comes to morality, there is no singular truth. In that case, there’s no one shattered mirror; there are lots of mirrors, lots of moral truths, and we can at best agree to differ” (11). Cosmopolitanism can only thrive if we all agree to differ, instead of constantly disagreeing. But, how can we all agree to disagree if we do not have the same values and moral …show more content…

People simply need to accept these differences, whether they know the person or not. Just like we have diversity within our cultures, there is moral diversity. Cosmopolitanism encourages moral diversity because these new beliefs help societies through their different perspectives and different approaches. Overall, it is crucial that people, despite their cultural differences, share beliefs on at least what is right and wrong. The fact that there are other cultures is proof that a moral code exist because many agree upon what is right and wrong, but may just have some slight differences based upon their cultural ideals. Cosmopolitans allow for varying people to thrive in their cultures, if and only if, they accept the differences in each other enough to

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