Omelas Culture Essay

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Describe the Culture of Omelas and how you do you Think it got That way. Omelas’ culture is not intended to disturb the natural order of the fellow citizens. However, this culture developed through exiling a child at a tender age of development and in doing so, formulated a utopia for the community. This child recognized love, affection, and the mother’s voice unfortunately incapable of understanding why they are alone in a dark and empty room. Additionally, the community supported the despicable life to maintain their dream utopia. Omelas’ community is what each individual makes it, this includes but not limited to happy, bad, good, and immoral. Community members, adults and children, visit the child to observe if the rumors are true and additionally, neighboring communities’ members visit as well. The majority of the citizens cultivates the culture by continuing their …show more content…

Discerning life beyond utopia motivates individuals to leave Omelas. Furthermore, the empathy residents experience for the imprison child is another reason to abandon Omelas. These citizens cannot fathom a lifestyle as incomprehensible. Therefore, submerging themselves in a new lifestyle will generate an alternative to Omelas culture. Residents are displaced…maintaining Omelas’s culture and blending with current culture. What do you Think is the Motivation for Remaining in Omelas? Greed motivates the Omelas community. They desire the utopia lifestyle and therefore justify a child imprisonment as prevailing prerequisite for life. For some the Onelas lifestyle is the only thing they know and their aspiration is to preserve life, as they know it. In today’s community individuals demand certain possessions or lifestyle without thinking and this can be seen in Omelas. This convention is irreproachable and the community must reevaluate their position. Would you Move From Your Present Town to Omelas? Why or why

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