Cultural Background Essay

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My cultural background is Italian, Irish and Greek. My father is full Italian and my mother is half Irish and half Greek. I’ve always felt more in touch with my Irish culture and have really connected with it. A few years ago I went to Ireland and I never wanted to leave. Culture has not shaped my sexuality in any way. I consider these places to be my cultural background, but nothing from those cultures have affected me in a sexual way. My grandparents were born in America, my parents were born in America and so was I. I was born in 1996 and sexual norms for that time were that homosexuals were becoming more accepted into our culture. Also rights for the LGBT community were rising and people started taking action. My parents were born in the 1960s and grew up very conservative. So when my parents raised me they raised me the same way. I never swore in the house and to this day at the age of nineteen I still don’t swear when I 'm in the house. Also throughout all of school I never could wear any provocative clothing and nothing short. But once I started getting older I could wear things that would show more of my cleavage and …show more content…

Nothing was ever forced on me. I feel like I went through all the stages of being a girl. I had my girly phase, the tomboy phase, and the awkward phase. During puberty I felt very awkward and ugly. I had horrible front bangs and was always a little chubbier then the other girls. I also still dressed differently and wasn’t cute like all the other girls in my grade. It took me awhile to understand fashion and how to dress myself without looking stupid. I also remember buying my first bra with my mom and I was so excited, but I wasn 't so excited when my period started. It was always very painful and I would usually have to miss school the first 2 days of my period. The formal sexual education I got as a teen was in my health class in high school and my first visit to Planned

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