The Crown Heights Riot Of 1991

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The Crown Heights Riot of 1991

Anti-Semitism has been prevalent throughout the world since the establishment of the Jewish religion and unfortunately, traces of it can still be found to this day in the United States. What exactly is anti-Semitism? It is the intense dislike for and prejudice against the Jews; it can range anywhere from simple opposition to the Jews to vicious hatred displayed through physical torment. Some examples of the more publicized cases of violence against the Jews include the attack of Irish workers and police on the funeral procession of Rabbi Jacob Joseph in New York City in 1902, the lynching of Leo Frank in 1915, the assassination of Alan Berg in 1984, as well as the Crown Heights riots of 1991. I have chosen to discuss the Crown Heights riots of 1991 simply because I believe the events are more recent and therefore, hold themselves to be more valid and up to date with the anti-sentiment shown towards the Jews today.

The Crown Heights Riot was a three-day riot in the Crown Heights neighborhood of New York City that started on August 19,1991. To this day, we do not know the cause of the riots, what ignited the rioters or what the hidden meaning behind the actual incident was. Many deem this controversial riot as purely an anti-Semitic outburst, even calling it the “Crown Heights pogrom” (1). Besides anti-Semitism, anti-police sentiment was also displayed during this riot. What amazes me the most about this incident is that the events that led up to these riots, its legacy, and its record of ever happening have been politically and socially altered to meet everyone’s assertion. Background information allows us to see that tensions existed in the neighborhood on behalf of both parties; the Ha...

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... Halloween parade. There is a storefront mediation center, a black and Jewish mothers group, and an effort to add black youngsters to the private Jewish security patrols. Even though tensions still remain and are just buried beneath the surface, one cannot escape the fact that they live side by side and must face each other every day. Hopefully, with tolerance and education, both communities will learn to live at peace with one another for the right reasons, and not the wrong.


2 Shapiro, Edward S. Crown Heights: Blacks, Jews, and the 1991 Brooklyn Riot. Brandeis University Press, New York: 2006.

3 Kifner, John and Lee, Felicia R. “In Crown Heights, a Decade of Healing after Riots, but Scars Remain,” August 19,2001.

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