Critical Criticism Of Critical Thinking

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The world of critical thinking is filled with many theories and beliefs for self-improvement. Each author has their own belief of what Critical Thinking is, and opinions can vary greatly, the one notion everyone seems to agree on is there is not enough of it going on. Critical thinking skills are in extremely high demand because this; Christian Fisher writes “According to "Forbes," It’s a leadership skill required by 90 percent of the most in-demand jobs created since 2010.” Making it that much more important for everyone to hone their skill. A large factor to becoming a Critical Thinker is honest self-criticism and evaluation of your personal skills. This essay will evaluate my critical thinking skills and what stage of development I believe …show more content…

Challenging myself to be open to differing ideas and thinking objectively about said ideals is what I believe Critical Thinking to be and it hasn’t been an easy or fast change, I can understand why it’s difficult getting past the unreflective thinker stage. It is absolutely easier to discredit someone and prove them wrong than to evaluate their thoughts objectively because it differs from my own. Controlling my emotions when challenged was the first step for my betterment, if able to keep my feelings out of a confrontational situation, I can think clearly about where the different thought is coming from and explore deeper the why behind the thought. The first of Ritchhart’s four steps to harnessing the power of emotion advises “Recognize your immediate emotional response. Our brain is hardwired to feed us an immediate emotional response. We need to be aware of that and to recognize this initial response for what it is: an emotion-based first impression. In essence, we need to be metacognitive. We have to be aware of the thoughts we are having and their origin.” Very true and hard to do when your entire life has been based on reactions to emotions rather than clear thought. I can recognize the situation when it develops and evaluate opportunities after the situation has …show more content…

Good thinking in general dictates good behavior all around. Critical thinking takes it one step further; rather than just appeasing a thought or opinion, engage it, explore it and be open to the answers you may find while doing it. Through the teachings in this course, I’ve been able to use some of the methods and teachings such as Daniel Cohen’s For argument’s sake to start to develop my own critical thinking and apply I’ve learned at work and home. Since the realization of the opportunity to change my thinking, I’ve noticed a big change at work and how I’m approached and responded to. I’ve developed better working relationship with my bosses and employees simply by taking an extra moment or two to reflect on what was said and the motivation behind it. Recognizing the way my biases and personal feelings can immediately cloud my opinion of a rational and well thought out task has been very beneficial as well, in order to truly appreciate an idea, personal dialog weighing the pros and cons before I make known my opinion has kept me from making a very large mistake had I gone with my gut

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