Federalist Paper 10 Analysis

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Critical Review: Federalist Paper #10 The Federalist Paper number ten was an essay written by James Madison to support the ratification of the U.S Constitution. Its content deals with factions and how the effects of factions can be minimized. There were two options given; to do away with liberty, or create a society with the same opinion. To eliminate liberty was out of the question. That left the second option, giving every individual the same opinion, which is unrealistic. The main obstacle is that as long as people have free will and are able to think freely they will form different opinions. The difference in opinions that occurs leads to factions. People no matter how just will always look out for their own interest. The example given Faction will then only think of what benefits them and start to disregard what others believe. The factions will have different number of people that support it; meaning that one faction will be the majority and the other will be the minority and could potentially lead to the Tyranny of Majority. If all the power is left at the hands of the majority it is very likely that the majority will trample on the rights of minority. Since people will never have the same opinion as long as they are free to think, then a solution to the Paradox of Classical Liberalism: the Tyranny of Majority is to form a republic with elected representatives. The U.S Constitution would offer several measures to avoid factions and by extension the tyranny of majority .To avoid faction the number of representatives would need to be large but limited to avoid confusion. It also offered a bicameral legislature, in which one chamber would be close to the people allowing them to worry about local and “lesser interest” and the other would be less attached to the people to be able to focus on national issues. The Republic would also be too large, in population, that there would be fewer chances of people with the same interest to band together The Constitution was strongly opposed because it would create a centralized form a government. Federalist Paper number ten reassures the people of America that the Constitution would create a large republic which would provide protection from faction and by extension the Tyranny of Majority. In the same paper, Madison mentions that the formation of faction was engraved in the nature of man a statement that contradicted the purpose of this essay . This means that human nature is strong and individuals will search for others that have similar interest and passions. His theory that the large republic would prevent factions seemed like a logical one, but there was already factions forming even before the constitution was ratified with the formations of the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist. The large population and its vast lands were not obstacles for communication; therefore, the controversial ideas and political opinions were still at the reach of the people and this allowed establishment of factions. The perfect example of communication aiding the formation of factions is when same tactic of gaining support through Newspaper articles that the Federalist utilized to get the support to ratify the Constitutions was used to gain support for the Democratic Republican party five years later. The start of the

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