The Pros And Cons Of Crime

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People were not born criminals, after committing a crime that 's when a person becomes a criminal. When a crime happens the first people to be there are the police officers, who then detain the criminal. After getting arrested, you then have to see a police judge who decides if you stay in jail for the night or if you go home. The judge can hold a person in jail if they feel that the person is suspicious, to prevent any harm to the society .

If a person gets arrested before 4pm he/she might have get to see a judge. The judge then decides if the evidence that have been brought against he/she is enough to determine if the defendant is guilt. However if the crime happens after 4pm or no judge is available, the defendant would have …show more content…

The cause for this is to get the jury team and to go over the case .Some down side to having a small jury is that some of the depositions are far harsh because of their previous experience .So cases like murder right away they would think the defendant commit the crime and send them to prison .

When a detained person is taken to court he is there as an innocent person until the jury finds him guilty. However this may not be the case because of the way the police treat the accused.
The accused often times are treated as if they are already guilty of the crime that has been brought against him .The actions of the police might make the accused feel as if they have no hope in trying to win the jury.

When an accused is taken to a police court, both he and the officer go up to make an official accusation. After going in front of the court clerk with the officer the accused is taken to a holding cell, where he would wait for his attorney or bail money. If the accused is often in and out of trouble he would be sent to the jail without making any phone calls to family or friends.

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