Creative Writing: Homeless

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“You’re going to be late for school Brian” Shona called from the bottom of the stairs. “God what is it with this boy and his sleep” she mumbled to herself as she walked back to the kitchen. The wallpaper was beginning to peel off and the cupboard doors were uneven, all the mechanical devices had gone rusty and wouldn’t work unless you hit it or something. “This kitchen needs to be changed from head to toe” she groaned while trying to stick the bread in the toast machine, “I know love, but you know how things are at work right now” he said as he lifted his head from the Monday paper. “At the moment? For Christ sake Artemis, things have always been like this at your work, can’t you ask for a pay rise? You work a lot you know.” She suggested. …show more content…

“What did I say?” he turned round to Shona, but she was walking towards the kitchen. “Are you going to ask for a pay raise or not?” was her last sentence. Artemis sighed took his jacket and went out. The pavement was still wet from yesterday’s rain, he hugged his jacket tighter as he walked along the cold grey streets. Shona watched him from the dirty windows, she felt sorry for him, but he was so naive and weak, as if his name was intended to be a paradox. All he did was feel sorry for everyone, care for everyone apart from himself. It had been 12 years since they had met and he was the same naive and weak man from then till today. Just then the kettle started to boil, and she poured the hot water in to the mug to make some tea. After stirring the sugar into the mug, she went to her favourite chair, taking the photo album with her. As she turned the pages of the album one by one, she tried to recount the memories of college. She was the most popular and the prettiest girl in the school. Her lessons were not perfect, but she was the leader of the girls’ volleyball team. Snapping out of her memories for a second, she looked towards the mirror on the other side of the room. Apart from the few extra pounds she had put on, she was still perfect, her long straight legs and her even curves would turn any men around for a second glance. She turned her eyes back to the album and the memories. She was beautiful she knew that and she …show more content…

“Well glad to hear he is devastated about something more normal other than...YOUR WHAT?!” she screamed out load, it had taken her a few seconds to realise what he had said. “YOU’RE OUT OF WORK, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE OUT OF WORK?” “It means I'm jobless” he said trying to hug her for comfort. “Wha...what...didn’t that old women of a hag give you any insurance?” she asked. “I don’t think she even knew what it meant love.” He said trying to laugh at his joke. “Oh so you think it’s funny do you? You think it’s down right funny? Well, try laughing at this then? We have a huge debt from this house AND from the smashed car, and we have one week left to pay for all that ‘cause if we don’t the house and everything in it is taken, we are almost penniless, and you’ve lost your job! Here try laughing at this” she said pushing him away. “Okay calm down, you’re becoming hysterical. Look I’ll see what I can do tomorrow yeah” “Oh that’s really calmed me down, really. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and find out this was all a stupid dream.” She cried out. She quickly ran upstairs and slammed the door behind her. “this man is beyond stupidity, how is he going to find a job in one day, what will we survive on, where are we going to live if this house is taken away, what will happen to Brian?” with these thoughts, it was 3 o’clock at night before she managed to fall

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