The Pros And Cons Of Creationism

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As long as history has been written, humans have wondered where they came from. They have yearned for the answers to life and its many intricacies, why certain animals have special traits allocated only to them, and why others are seemingly missing what they require to survive. Humans, as far as they know, are the only species with the brain power to question such things, and in questioning them, they have concocted many explanations for such things. These theories include Gods and Goddesses, scientific phenomena, a single God, a being that may or may not have created everything. The ones who believe they were merely created by some higher power are known as creationists. Creationism is a general term encompassing many different forms of belief …show more content…

The opposition to these creationists are those who believe in the theory of evolution. Evolution theory, also sometimes referred to as Darwinian Theory, states that every living organism originated from one common ancestor and evolved over time as they needed. As of recently, this has been a brutal, sometimes hostile, ongoing debate between outspoken members of religion and socially active scientists. These debates never really seem to answer the questions people have and often leave very mixed opinions through their respective communities on who won. While some may say there must be a higher power that created everything, evolution is the more logical and less extraordinary theory because there is clear evidence of it happening over time. The issue at hand is the origin of human life. This particular topic, in order to give proof of human origin, must broaden to earthly and even universal origin. However, first there is the reason it is a problem. Some people are perfectly fine with letting …show more content…

The counterarguments to these all oppose this saying that those stories could not possibly be true, and while there is no way to prove that Adam and Eve were real people, there is a way to calculate whether or not Noah’s ark would be able to float, and surprisingly it could. Helen Thompson, writer for smithsonian magazine, wrote an article titled “Could Noah 's Ark Float? In Theory, Yes.”, in which she details the story of four college students at the University of Leicester. The students ran equations, including approximate weights of all the animals that would have been on the ark and found it would, in fact, be able to float (Thompson). This being one of an evolutionists main points against special creationism, it hurts to see it have legs to stand on, or rather water to float in this case. Regardless, there are still many scientific principles stating that this form of special creationism could not have happened. The problem may not lie in the evidence, it may lie in the opposing side willingness to believe such

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