Compare The Creation And Formation Of The Pacific World

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The creation and formation of the Pacific World can be categorized into two basic ideas: expansionism vs. isolationism. Starting from the fifteenth century, Europe’s expansionist ideals became very present around the known world. Portugal had found its way around Africa in order to reach India, the main hub for Pacific trade, leaving other European empires in the dust. Spain, Portugal’s biggest competitor, was struggling behind without a free route to India as well. Because of this, the decision was made to travel westward instead of around Africa. This led to the biggest discovery in the history of western civilization, The Americas. However, while Spain used this as a catalyst for their empire, the Chinese were set on blatant ethnocentrism. …show more content…

Spain’s conquests into the heart of what is now Latin America led them to empires such as the Aztecs and the Mayans. Because of European expansionism tendencies, many empires who spread their wings across the Atlantic used force and military to take what they wanted. The Spanish intimidated the natives with guns and horses, none of which they had ever seen before. An example of this could be seen through Magellan’s tour of the Pacific World. While he was Portuguese, his behavior of challenging and flexing his military might on the locals was not exclusive to his own trip. Magellan would challenge and intimidate the “ignorant” natives, resulting in either the native group pledging their allegiance to Spain and converting to Christianity, or being destroyed by Magellan’s vast weaponry (Dulaney). The idea of missionizing and conquering lands in the new world sparked the modernization and globalization that put Spain on the map (literally). They left a legacy of what would later be recognized as the “White Man’s Burden”, which was a poem written in 1899, explaining how it is the white man’s job to convert and modernize the “lesser” races (Kipling). You can see this as early as the Spanish in what is now Mexico and South America, using their massive global influence to spread their own ideology, also known as Christianity. While we saw a lot of this by European nations, and how much of the Pacific World started off as European colonies, China had a very different approach to running their country, which affected the Pacific World in an entirely different

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