The Correlation Between Social Class And Social Education

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Throughout the history of mankind people have lived and died in the social class into which they were born. If they had been born poor than chances are they would have died poor and vice versa. Although not all circumstances follow this pattern, it is hard to deny the linkage between social class and the opportunities presented in one’s lifetime. Being brought up in the same surroundings can tend to influence generations, communities, and cultures with the expectation that it is unnatural to deviate from their social class. That is to say, that while we are not chained to the class in which we were born in, certain opportunities are undeniably tied to it. For one example, we can use the correlation between education and social class. Social class can affect academic achievement at a very young age and people in wealthier families are more likely to attend private institutions or private schools. Since in today’s society education plays a major role in determining a person’s success later in life you can argue that students who have access to the latest teaching strategies would benefit more as seen in the article, “Social Mobility among the Urban Poor, “This is the age of computers…And, I think that my kids will have a better life [than I did] because of opportunities today and the working …show more content…

These connections and relationships may speed up or even enhance their success rates later in life or as stated, “It’s not where you go, it’s the people, you got to know somebody to get you in.”(Pg. 171) Whether it is from a promotion in the work force to a job offer in an upstanding business, these connections can prove to be an advantage over the lower and middle class. While these people easily climb the social ladder through family ties others have to rely more on their skills and ingenuity rather than being related to their

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