Pros Of Alternative Medicine

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While conventional medicine has remained the populations main source of medical care for many years, that may soon become a myth. There is no doubt that conventional medicine has proven itself to be one of our worlds greatest accomplishments, treating those who are ill and saving the lives of countless people. However, it is NOT the only means of medical care that exist. Apart from it 's “hippy” reputation and the many skeptics who constantly criticize it 's ability, alternative, or “holistic medicine” is making major headway in today 's medical society, and some would even say that it surpasses conventional medicine in many areas. Alternative medicine is defined as any of various systems of healing or treating disease, such as herbalism or homeopathy, not considered “traditional” by doctors and healthcare professionals. Instead of only treating a patients problems, with drugs that will only mask them, Alternative medicine focuses primarily on the body as a whole, and treating the whole body in order to heal the one problem. It seems silly, but this technique has actually been said by many to work and make them feel just as good if not better than if they were to use conventional medicine. …show more content…

There is no actual proven evidence that suggests this way of treating illness actually works, and differences in results from patient to patient have proven that. It is because of it 's non evidence, that suggestion has been put in place to make alternative products and services illegal, until scientific evidence can prove it 's effectiveness. However, I argue that, alternative products and services should not be made illegal, and for good

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