Organic Food And Nonorganic Diseases

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Another disease, which is linked to the unhealthy nonorganic diets, is high cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol, one good and one bad, however, when the bad cholesterol is high, it can lead to various heart diseases. One of the most effective ways to prevent high cholesterol is to eat a low fat, low salt diet and also a lot of fruits and vegetables. However, due to nonorganic foods as explained before being 25% less nutritious, the amount that needs to be eaten to help prevent it, need to be increased which leads to an unhealthy diet. With an organic food diet, less food can give more benefits leading to a healthier life avoiding high cholesterol. Doing so the cost of having to actually buy less food for more nutritious value and the cost of avoiding healthcare costs included with high cholesterol, again an organic food diet outweighs the cost of a nonorganic food diet. Not only is nonorganic food not as nutritious as organic food, even though they are made with hormones and special pesticides, it is due to the very hormones and pesticides they use to make them that some people can get sick and develop health issues like cancer. In an effort to make cows grow bigger and faster for a quicker rate of meat production, estrogen is given to them at an early age to quicken the process. However, as studies showed, when people consume such estrogen-infected meat, women in particular, showed signs of developing breast cancer. Not to mention the rapid increase in puberty of children who drink milk, which also has estrogen and testosterone hormones in it. In studies conducted, it was noticed that children who drink this milk, which contains these hormones, were going through puberty at a young age. This being another reason why ... ... middle of paper ... ...eficial for the environment. In her article, she gives many reasons why organic foods are not only a better choice for people but also for the environment. “Although the cost of organic foods is high; these form a key component in consumer trend known as a whole health solution – diet that promote health and well-being, prevent disease, help cure illness and protects the environment” (202). Organic food production benefits the environment in ways such it reduces pollution, lowers the level of pesticide use, and improves soil conditions. In a health perspective, some organic foods are said to have significantly higher levels of cancer fighting antioxidant, better flavors, safer than conventional food, and have a higher percent of minerals and vitamins. All these benefits are explained in her article that counter argue the position that organic food is just a fad.

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