A Summary Of The Nicaragua Contra

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To understand the Nicaragua Contra one must understand the Sandinistas, and who the Sandinistas took power from. Nicaragua has been invaded by the United States eight times starting from American adventurer William Walker’s “filibuster” of Nicaragua . Augusto César Sandino was the first revolutionary who used arm forces to drive United States out of Nicaragua . Somoza had Sandino killed and took control of Nicaragua. The Somozas and his sons oppressively ruled and amassed wealth with the support of United States. Because of the Somozas corrupt rule a rebel force would rise up which called themselves Sandinistas after Augusto César Sandino. Latin American countries urged United States to remove Somozas from power or the Sandinistas would take …show more content…

Somoza’s National Guardsmans fled to Honduras including Comandante Bravo who was assassinated by the Sandinistas . Due to Bravo’s assassination other ex-Guardsman sought assistance from other countries such as United States, Honduras, and Argentine . The three countries divided task among them which was known as la tripartita: General Alvarez of Honduras allowed bases to be constructed near Nicaraguan border, Argentina would train Contra in Guerilla tactics, and the United States would provide funding for training and equipment . The Contras had little chance to defeat the Sandinista army, so General Alvarez of Honduras planned to provoke the Sandinistas to attack Honduras, which if Sandinistas invaded Honduras it would give the United States an excuse to send troops into Nicaragua . The United States never agreed to send troops to attack the Sandinistas, and other officers of Honduras feared the United States would abandon the Contra movement as it had done in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba . Argentina’s main reason for joining the la tripartita was to ingratiate themselves with United States as a new world power, yet when Argentina invaded South Atlantic islands United States did not proved assistance nor did they stay neutral leading to the collapse of the la tripartite . While the la tripartite plan did not work out as originally planned it allowed the Contra to grow to a strong military force to oppose the

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